Joe Robson


Acupuncture is holistic - this means that some portion of the treatment is always aimed at addressing underlying imbalances. The advantage of this approach are:
greater improvement of complaint.
longer lasting improvement.
other apparently unrelated symptoms improve.
a greater sense of general wellbeing.
For example: you may come to see me with sciatica and notice that, as well as improvement in pain, your sleep and digestion also become more normal.
Conditions treated - Listed below are the ailments which I most commonly see in my clinic.
Back, neck, shoulder, hip, knee.
Trapped nerve, sciatica, tennis and golfers elbow, RSI, carpal tunnel.
Pelvic pain, testicular pain.
Jaw pain, TMJD.
Post operative pain.
Nervous System:
Migraine and headache.
Trigeminal Neuralgia, Bells Palsy.
Digestive disorders:
Indigestion, acid reflux.
IBS, bloating, constipation, diarrhoea.
Mental/ Emotional disorders:
Anxiety / depression.
Chronic fatigue / M.E.
Long Covid.
Womens disorders:
Menstrual disorders, irregular cycle.
Menopausal issues (eg hot flushes, brain fog, joint aches etc)
Pelvic pain.
Bladder problems.
Mens Disorders:
Testicular pain.
Erectile dysfunction.
Prostate and bladder issues.
Low Immunity (frequent sore throat, chest infections or colds), sinusitis.
Asthma, breathlessness.
I frequently treat pain and other symptoms associated with scars as well as their cosmetic appearance
​For the sake of simplicity I have not included the many other less frequently seen conditions so if you are not sure if acupuncture can help you then why not email an enquiry