Joe Robson

About Joe

I am a member of the British Acupuncture Council and have two decades of experience treating a wide range of conditions. I have worked from many different clinics during my time as an acupuncturist but have been based in Sheffield for many years now. I recently founded Fiveways Therapy Centre at Sharrow Head (between Sharrow Vale and Nether Edge).
Members of the British Acupuncture Council are fully insured and bound by a rigorous code of ethics and practice. All members of this body have undergone extensive training in acupuncture and appropriate level of biomedical sciences.
I have been practicing acupuncture since qualifying in 2001 at the Northern College of Acupuncture in York. My qualification was in TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) style acupuncture. Over the years I have become more interested in Japanese forms of acupuncture and have studied a number of these extensively. They are extremely gentle, subtle and highly effective methods of treatment. They include the following: Manaka style; Kiiko Matsumoto style; Meridian Therapy (in particular the Toyohari style);
Shonishin (childrens needle free treatment)
Each of these styles has improved my knowledge and understanding in different ways giving me a wide range of techniques to choose from.
My Ethos
From very early on in my career I realized how amazingly effective acupuncture can be. Over time I have become ever more confident of its power to treat many conditions. Because of this, acupuncture and some of its associated techniques, such as moxibustion and cupping, are my sole means of treatment.
I strongly believe in trying to get you better in as few treatments as possible. I like to be able to give you more power and control over your own condition, where appropriate, by showing self-acupressure techniques or suggesting appropriate dietary and lifestyle changes. Most people find this extremely helpful and are frequently amazed at the improvements that they themselves can achieve relatively simply.
I do not see acupuncture as an alternative medicine, rather it fills the gaps that many people fall into where they cannot be adequately treated with conventional medicine. If I think that you have a serious undiagnosed condition then I will recommend that you seek appropriate medical advice. Likewise, where acupuncture is not the best form of treatment for you then I will suggest alternatives.