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Acupuncture Sheffield -
Joe Robson
22+ years experience
Joe Robson - acupuncturist
  • Easy Access for many areas of Sheffield, Chesterfield and Rotherham.

  • Located - Fiveways Therapy Centre (between Sharrow Vale and Nether Edge).

  • Evening appointments available

  • Recognised by Westfield and many other major health schemes.

  • Wheelchair access.

  • Onroad parking available

Acupuncture is suitable for all ages and many conditions. It is comfortable, relaxing and without side effects. Benefits can often be seen immediately and will also include enhanced overall wellbeing.

Adapted acupuncture for baby

Recognised by Westfield Health and many other health insurance schemes.

Westfield health logo

The World Health Organisation has recognised that acupuncture is effective for many conditions. Listed below are just some of the most common ones:

Headache, Migraine, Facial pain, Dental Pain, TMJD, Allergic Rhinitis

Neck Pain, Tennis elbow, Periarthritis of the shoulder,

Low Back Pain, Knee Pain, Sciatica

Nausea, Vomiting, digestive problems, Arthritis,

Post operative pain

This is by no means a comprehensive list and the exclusion of your particular condition does not mean that it can't be treated. Find out more about whether acupuncture is appropriate for you or email an enquiry


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